Our Model

The Journey Map is our model of how we help couples and individuals in our counseling and seminars to look at their relationships and to work at healing their relationships.
There are four steps to everyone’s journey:
Each one of us has a childhood story of how we were imprinted by those close to us and the things that happened to us.
Look to God too reveal our story. We need to start with our childhood story. Look for our imprints left deep within us. Imprints comes from our damage, abuse, anger, & shame. We need to discover, our lies believed, & vows made to cover the lies. Then share our story in brokenness within safe community.
How do we relate to our spouse, children, and those close to us? We learn that we haven’t loved well because of our commitment to protect ourselves.
Survey relationships with our childhood imprints. (AVOIDER, PLEASER, VACILLATOR, CONTROLLER, VICTIM). How we self protect, go to contempt, and how we go to role reversal. God’s design for men and women. How to relate to each other, and stay out of the ditches in our journey.
We take responsibility for not trusting God and the ways we do not love well and have hurt others and seek forgiveness.
Name the damage we have done, and take responsibility for the damaged done, and the lie believed. Asked forgiveness to God & others. Invite others in our journey. Break denial, repent enter pain, with faith. Grieve and embrace grace. Stop manipulating others to meet your needs. Learn to pursue God, realize He is the only one to meet those deep needs.
It is the process of learning to trust God to meet our needs and restoring relationships that we have hurt and learning to love well.
A process of restoring our relationship with GOD trusting Him to meet our deepest needs. So we are free to love well as to who we were meant to be. To serve God by telling our stories of Redemption, Repentance, Confession, and Reconciliation. Using our stories to minister to the needs of others. We can learn how to love well.